Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The one about the Ghost Stories book

I am not into anything especially dark or evil, but I love the whole aspect of spooky ghost stories centered around historical places in the world.
The Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida...the whole of Great Britain....for example.
Most of my spare time this past week has been spent working on this altered book of mine. It is part of Julie Collings' Haunted and Mysterious books round robin. There are five of us working on this project. Julie started us off by having a little swap where we sent a goodie bag to all the other players. I had never done that before.... what a fun way to start a project!
This altered book has a niche carved out of the entire end of the book, which I FORGOT to take pictures of before I packaged it all up. doh!

My entire book is posted in
my Flickr stream HERE.

Monday, September 08, 2008

The one about the Halloween project

I had the honor of making a project, along with a tutorial on how to create my project, for Artsymama's Sweet and Sinister blog. My project will go live next week.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The one about the fatbook

We did a Birds and Trees fatbook in Club Creative and I was hostess. I had to make covers (front cover above)for all six books and I didn't realize that would be the case when I agreed to do it. lol Soooo.... I am pretty tired of looking at these covers by now. Nevertheless, they are finally completed!
Since it was up to me to make the rules of this book, I did what I have always wanted to do with a fatbook, which is have all the pages be originals!!
Click on any photo to get a better look!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

the one about finally getting to see this movie

Perfectly awesome.